pondelok 5. augusta 2013

30/03/2013 #BelieveTour - Vienna

30/03/2013 #BelieveTour - Vienna. Vo Viedni som bola s mojou sestrou Alex a mojou kamarátkou Natáliou. Pred halou sme čakali asi dve a pol hodiny. O siedmej otvorili halu a my sme rýchlo chceli ísť dnu. Nikto nás nechcel pustiť za železnú ohradu tak sme ju jednoducho podliezli. Utekali sme ako o život. SBS-kari na nás kričali ''langsam, langsam''. Vo vnútri bolo už veľmi veľa ľudí. Našťastie, Justin meškal 2 hodiny a vďaka tomu sme získali čas pretlačiť sa až pod pódium. Prvú pesničku (All around the world) sme nepočuli vôbec, všetci len vrieskali. Bolo tam strašné teplo a ľudia odpadávali. Jediný moment čo som sa nepozerala na Justina, bolo, keď pil svoju vodu. Vtedy som sa naozaj pozerala len na tú vodu a závidela som mu ju. :D Justin odspieval pesničky z albumu Believe, ale milo prekvapil aj staršími pesničkami z albumu My World. Pri pesničke ''Baby'' si vyzliekol tričko. Dospieval a odišiel. Pre nás to bolo peklo. Jemu to bolo jedno, takých koncertov mal x-krát. Ale čo my, Justin?! Čo my dvaja ? Čo to všetko čo sme si za tie 2 hodiny prežili ? :'(.

Aj tak to bol fantastický zážitok a určite najlepší deň v mojom živote.

30/03/2013 #BelieveTour - Vienna. I was in Vienna with my Sister Alex and my friend Natalia. In front of hall we were waiting about two hours. At seven opened hall and we went inside. We undercut the iron gate. We ran like hell. Bodyguards screamed ''langsam, langsam''. Inside were a lot of people. Justin delayed two hours and we came up under the stage. First song (All around the world) - nothing we have not heard, because everybody were screaming. it was so warm and some people fallen away. At the moment when Justin Was drinking water - I was watching only on bottle of water - I envied. Justin sang song from the album Believe, but from My World, too. When he was snging song ''Baby'' he took off his shirt. And the he left. For me it was like a hell. He don´t cared about us. But what about us, Justin?! What the two of us ? The whole two hours together ?

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